Helen Clark's Diary, 30 September


Keynote at JWF SDG Conference. Panel 2 - gender-based crimes in conflict zones

I was pleased to be invited to give a keynote at The Journalists’ and Writers Foundation’s (JWF) SDGs Conference 2022. Focus of the session was to discuss the Global Agenda 2030, offer innovative solutions, strategies, and policy recommendations to advance the culture of peace, human rights, and sustainable development.


77th session of the UN General Assembly. Side Event - Required: Political Leadership To Pandemic Proof The World

22 September

“At Pandemic Action Network event in New York today, Jacinda Ardern shared her experience of leading New Zealand from onset of Covid 19 pandemic, speaking about importance of whole-of-government approach and learning from experiences of others. Many lives were saved as result of decisions taken early on.” Check out a recording of the discussion.


Current issues

These are some of the issues off my recent Twitter feed:



“Russian deputy defence chief fired amid supply failures. BBC reports that “personnel changes come amid reports that the Russian leader has taken personal charge of the war effort and has started issuing orders to generals in Ukraine himself.”

chinese politician

China and India call for negotiations to end Ukraine war

“At UN General Assembly this week, both China and India called for negotiations to end war in Ukraine. Mali Government which has welcomed presence of shadowy Wagener Group mercenaries in its country was one of few Members States to show support for Russian position.” More on this in The Guardian.

violent demonstration in Iran

Protests in Iran

“Huge protests in Iran by a public outraged by killing of Mahsa Amini who was detained by so-called morality police and died after maltreatment in detention. Protesters are chanting Women Life Freedom. The theocratic rulers greatly constrain women’s freedom.” Check out this article in The Observer.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro

Colombian President calls to end the war on drugs

"From my wounded Latin America, I demand that you end the irrational war on drugs. Reducing drug use doesn't require wars, it requires that we all build a better society": Gustavo Petro calls for end to prohibitionist drug policy fostered by UN conventions.” More on this story from TeleSUR.

Covid is Not Over

“More than 1 million people have died from Covid 19 in 2022, inequitable access to vaccines, tests and treatments persists, and the virus continues to impact individuals, communities, and economies around world. Global leaders must step up on preparedness and response.”

Covid 19 and the question of accountability of private health organisations

“Fascinating article on the ad hoc arrangements made for purchase and distribution of vaccines and other commodities to fight the Covid 19 pandemic. It raises important questions about accountability when key roles are taken by private organisations.” Read the article here (published in Politico).

New Zealand

NZ Herald Mood of the Boardroom survey

“Agree with ⁦Steve TePou⁩: NZ Herald Mood of the Boardroom survey outcome is more a statement about political attitudes than it is of the state of the economy. Through years of a strong economy in my time, business confidence was not very positive.”

BNZ to sell its New Zealand art collection

“BNZ hasn’t done its national “brand any favours with its decision to put its magnificent collection of New Zealand art on sale to highest bidder…. We would have expected better from a bank that trades in New Zealand’s name” says ⁦New Zealand Herald editorial.”

Ken Douglas obituary by Rebecca Macfie

Fine obituary by Rebecca Macfie of Ken Douglas, long time New Zealand labour union leader who passed away in recent days. Ken worked all his life for better wages and conditions for working people and for their representatives to have voice in policy-making. RIP”

Check out my Twitter page for more information and links on these and more issues.


The latest from The Helen Clark Foundation

Helen Clark

27 September

“Thank you to everyone who joined our Patron Helen Clark in New York last week for an event to discuss our work to make NZ a better place to live! Many thanks to our generous hosts Helen During, Kirsten and Craig Nevill-Manning!”

22 September

“We had the immense honour to convene a roundtable of 50+ diverse experts on perinatal and maternal mental health at Parliament on Tuesday, as part of our ĀhurutiaTeRito ItTakesAVillage project led by Associate Fellow, Holly Walker.

The aim of the day was to generate a shared vision for the future of perinatal and whānau wellbeing in Aotearoa NZ, and identify concrete next steps for policy change to advance this vision.

We will share outputs soon (including beautiful images by Live Illustrators. Meanwhile, thanks to Dr Ayesha Verrall for hosting us, and to Rata Foundation, The Tindall Foundation, and Te Whatu Ora National Public Health Service (formerly Te Hiringa Hauora) for their support. Grateful thanks also to our presenters Dr Hinemoa Elder, Elizabeth Emere Harte, and Dr Felicia Low from Informed Futures for sharing their expertise, and to our facilitators Natalie Gousmett and Anna Poutu Fay for creating a safe and engaged space for discussion. Most importantly, thanks to our incredible group of participants! We look forward to working together and progress this important kaupapa.”

Why not join The Helen Clark Foundation and have your say on ideas we support.