Rt Hon Helen Clark Highlights the Potential of Local Authorities to Accelerate Progress Towards the Achievement of MDG Targets by 2015
Original source: UNCDF
Representatives of local and national governments from developing and developed countries gathered to the sixth Commonwealth Local Government Conference (CLGC) "Energising local economies: partnerships for prosperous communities", held in Cardiff, UK from 15 to 18 March 2011 to share experiences on how to use the leadership role and convening power of local government for economic.
In her intervention to CLGC, UNDP Administrator, Rt Hon Helen Clark, highlighted how 'the role of local government does go, and must increasingly go, beyond its traditional service delivery, and seek to provide the kind of strategic leadership which is needed to energise local economies and communities'. This comes to reinforce the idea that Local government is the sphere of government closest to the people, providing vision and leadership for local communities and many of the basic services needed to improve their day-to-day lives and meet the Millennium Development Goals.