Helen Clark

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Helen Clark's Diary, 14 October


Interview with Tova O’Brien on war in Ukraine

“My interview with Tova O’Brien on war in Ukraine: escalation of conflict 'very concerning' as Russia fired missiles widely across Ukraine, causing significant loss of life and infrastructure damage. EU says war crimes were committed; China and India call for de-escalation.”


These are some of the issues on my recent Twitter feed:


International Day of the Girl Child

“Tuesday, 11 October is the International Day of the Girl Child. Around the world, many girls are still unable to complete their education, and many are forced into early marriage and childbearing. Every girl must have the right to fulfil their potential and make their own life choices. Full solidarity with girls everywhere, including in Iran right now.”

Conflict in Tigray

“Disturbing to see assault by both Eritrean and Ethiopian troops against Tigray. Many lives have been lost on all sides. All parties should agree to immediate ceasefire and negotiations to end conflict. Humanitarian access badly needed.” More in The Observer.

Wagener Group

“Former fighter in shadowy Wagener Group sheds light on how it and its mercenaries operate in Russia's interests in Ukraine, Syria, Central African Republic, and Mali.” Check out the article from PassBlue.

Hazara people targeted by Taliban

“Conditions are harsh for all in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, and Hazara people are targeted disproportionately by them and other extremist/terrorist groups. Recent attack on education facility killed and wounded dozens. Full solidarity with Hazara people.” More on BBC.

Nobel Peace Prize

“Wonderful to see human rights advocates from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2022. This shines a spotlight on their vital work for peace, justice and democracy: RNZ has the story.”

Botswana cuts mother to child HIV transmission from 40% to 1%

“Congratulations Botswana on success of national programme to cut mother to child HIV transmission: down from 40% 23 years ago to 1% now and near elimination. Inspirational for all countries.” Check out the article on Good News Network.

Joe Biden pardons people convicted of marijuana posession

“Amazing and welcome news: USA President ⁦Joe Biden has pardoned everyone ever convicted under US federal law on charges of cannabis/marijuana possession and urged all US states to do same. Hope many nations follow this lead.” NY Times has more on this story.

New Zealand

“Many new mayors, councillors & local board members elected across New Zealand. A pity about the low turnout. One wonders whether abandoning postal voting in favour of the more traditional approach used for general elections would work better.” More on this on RNZ.

Mayoral election in Auckland

“Voting in Auckland on Saturday (8 October) was helpful to ⁦City Vision and ⁦New Zealand Labour. Now challenge for new Mayor and Council is to work together to make Auckland a world class city. Interesting analysis of power balance: Mike Lee is not from the right!”

Shortfall of affordable housing in New Zealand

“For those interested in why New Zealand has shortfall of affordable housing, this article provides insights. State and council housing sell offs were disastrous. Supply didn’t accelerate to accommodate fast population growth driven by migration. There’s action now.”

Corporate lobbying

“Should there be a “cooling off period for political insiders after leaving taxpayer-funded positions before becoming lobbyists.” Transparency International recommends a minimum period of 2 years. Australia and EU have 18 months; USA and UK two years; Canada: five years.”

You can still sign the petition to save Building One/Carrington Hospital in Pt Chev

“Preservation of historical and natural heritage is important to me at home and abroad. My attention has been drawn to risks to heritage architecture at former Carrington Hospital in Pt Chev Auckland. I've signed the petition.”

Check out my Twitter page for more information and links on these and more issues.

From The Helen Clark Foundation

New Zealand drug policy

“Decriminalisation or legalisation is an important policy change to reduce the harm from drugs, and should be accompanied by other measures aimed at addressing both supply and demand. Our report on reducing the harm from cannabis can be found below.”

Become a member of the Helen Clark Foundation

“In July our patron Helen Clark was joined by James Nixey and Orysia Lutsevych of Chatham House to discuss Russia's war in Ukraine. A recording of this webinar is available to members - you can sign up to become a member here.

See this form in the original post