Celebrate the start of 20 Hours Free ECE

Original source: Beehive

Prime Minister Helen Clark said today that the take-up rate of the Labour-led Government's 20 hours free Early Childhood Education policy is a vote of confidence in the initiative.

From today, more than 65,000 three and four year olds are benefiting from the policy.

The Prime Minister, Education Minister Steve Maharey, and Finance Minister Michael Cullen today welcomed parents arriving at a Wellington ECE Centre on the first day of operation of the 20 hours free policy.

"More than two thirds, or 70 per cent, of three and four year olds currently enrolled at teacher-led centres will be the first to benefit from this visionary and historic policy," Helen Clark said.

"20 Hours Free ECE is the most significant expansion of the education system since the rollout of free secondary education by the First Labour Government in the 1930s.

"We firmly believe that cost should not stand in the way of providing access to quality early childhood education. That is why the Labour-led government will now pay for 20 Hours Free ECE a week.

Steve Maharey said this policy is available to all parents, regardless of income or whether they work outside the home. From today, it will lower the cost and boost access for 65,147 children, saving families up to $4500 a year per child.

"1703 services will be offering 20 Hours Free ECE from day one, which is a great start. More centres are still coming on board so the take up rate of 62 per cent of providers will increase further. Even since the cut off date of 24 June, another 34 services covering 785 children have applied to participate," Steve Maharey said.

"As well as lowering costs for families, this policy also gives ECE providers greater security of funding. As of today, centres offering the policy are getting up to four months funding up front.

Helen Clark says 20 Hours Free ECE marks a huge milestone in public education in New Zealand.

"A child who attends ECE has a much better chance of succeeding in school and later in life. Our Labour-led government recognises the importance of funding public education from the age of three."

Steve Maharey says there are some opponents who are determined to attack the policy, and are threatening to take this valuable support away from families.

"Only the Labour-led Government is committed to delivering 20 hours of free ECE a week to three and four year olds in teacher-led centres."

Steve maharey introduces the 20 Hours Free ECE policy.

Kasia Skibinska