Helen Clark: The Road to Power (2013)

A Two-Part Documentary for New Zealand TV3, directed by Claudia Pond Eyley and Sam Salmon, duration 90 minutes.

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From Waikato farm girl to University Lecturer, Member of Parliament to Prime Minister and recently to a top job at the united Nations. This 90 minute Platinum Funded NZ on Air TV3 production explores the path taken by New Zealand’s first elected woman Prime Minister and explores her experiences and personal development on her journey to become the Leader of the nation.

The documentary film is framed to look at the formative events and that Helen Clark and her post war “baby boomer” generation experienced. It explores her upbringing as a country farm girl, her experiences at boarding school to opening to the wider world of politics during the Vietnam War era, the anti-nuclear protest in the Pacific and in New Zealand waters, the anti-apartheid movement and of women's rights.  Helen Clark’s political ambitions were realized in election to Parliament through to becoming the Leader of the NZ Labour Party and as Prime Minister for nine years.


Quotes from the film

“Driven… did I say that? She walks mountains.“ Nanaia Mahuta

“Having a woman Prime Minster for nine years tells every girl in the country that women can do anything.” Richard Prebble

“When I was campaigning in Huntly, the kids used to call her “Aunty Helen”, especially ones in hoodies.” Jacinda Arden

"The greatest compliment to her is that John Key has largely mimicked her political style and embraced most of her major policy agendas." Matthew Hooten