Helen Clark to join the Board of Directors for Women Deliver

Original source: Women Deliver

New York, NY, 30 April 2018 – Women Deliver, a leading global advocate for gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women, announced today that Rt Hon Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999-2008, will join the Board of Directors. Helen Clark was a Member of Parliament for 27 years and was the first elected female Prime Minister of New Zealand, serving for three terms. Prime Minister Clark then became the Administrator of the United National Development Programme from 2009 until 2017. She was the first woman to lead UNDP, and also served as the Chair of the United National Development Group. Prime Minister Clark has a longstanding relationship with Women Deliver, including attending three of the four last Women Deliver Conferences. Women Deliver also recently facilitated a Q&A between Prime Minister Clark and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

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Kasia Skibinska