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Helen Clark's Diary, November

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Recording of the global economic and geopolitical trends webinar

On 2 November, I spoke with David Skilling in ⁦a Helen Clark Foundation webinar on global geopolitical and economic trends. We covered prospects for the economies of China, India, and the USA, and the implications of those for New Zealand. We also discissed the impacts of current global tensions and conflicts on New Zealand and beyond.

Watch the full webinar

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Doctor of Laws Degree from the University of Toronto

On 7 November I was honoured with the award of an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at the University of Toronto. The ceremony took place on the University’s beautiful city campus. I spoke with several gatherings of students on current issues and my experiences in leadership in politics, at UNDP, and in other organisations..

See my speech at the degree ceremony.


The Elders’ open letter to President Biden

I was a co-signatory to this letter from The Elders calling on President Biden to set out a serious peace plan for achieving the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, and to help build a coalition of nations which can deliver that.

16 November 2023

Dear President Biden

You have a historic opportunity to help end the Israel-Palestine conflict - permanently.

As polarisation increases, the world needs you to set out a vision for peace. That vision must give hope to those who reject extremism and want the violence to end.

We urge you to do two things: set out a serious peace plan, and help build a new coalition for peace to deliver it.

We understand you want to help make Israelis safe. We share that objective, and have condemned the horrific Hamas attacks of 7 October. We share too your commitment to the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. Palestinian and Israeli lives are of equal worth.

Destroying Gaza and killing civilians are not making Israelis safe. These actions will breed more terrorism, across the region and beyond. There is no military solution to this conflict.

Read the full letter.

WHO humanitarian inspection of Al-Shifa hospital

I have commented extensively on how the bombardment of Gaza has impacted on healthcare facilities, workers and patients. The tragedy which unfolded in the Al-Shifa Hospital was devastating.

18 November 2023

“There are 25 health workers and 291 patients remaining in Al-Shifa, with several patient deaths having occurred over the previous two to three days due to the shutting down of medical services. Patients include 32 babies in extremely critical condition, two people in intensive care without ventilation, and 22 dialysis patients whose access to life-saving treatment has been severely compromised. The vast majority of patients are victims of war trauma, including many with complex fractures, amputations, head injuries, burns, chest and abdominal trauma, and 29 patients with serious spinal injuries who are unable to move without medical assistance. Many trauma patients have severely infected wounds due to lack of infection control measures in the hospital and unavailability of antibiotics. The scene described is horrific.

Read the full report.

Under international humanitarian law hospitals are granted special protection

22 November 2023

Under international humanitarian law, hospitals have special protection and must not be military targets. Deaths of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) doctors in Gaza remind us how often international law is being ignored in this horrific war. Agreed truce needs to hold and be extended. See this First Post article for more.

The two-state solution

25 November 2023

In my interview on Newshub last week, I expressed hope that the initial four day truce between Israel and Hamas could be extended and that a range of countries could work together to support a move to negotiations for a sustainable peace based on internationally supported two-state solution.

Watch the interview.

Please, visit my X for more posts on the Gaza-Israel conflict.


Sudan crisis continues largely unnoticed by wider world

While the world is focused elsewhere, people in Darfur and other parts of Sudan are dying in the bloody conflict there. The UN Deputy Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Sudan, Toby Harward, described the catastrophe unfolding.

In Darfur ”nearly six million people have been displaced by fighting between The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese army since April, making it one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters,” UN says. The Globe and Mail has more details.


Decriminalisation of drug use is an essential precursor to ending HIV and viral hepatitis

Drug decriminalisation: grounding policy in evidence” is an excellent editorial in ⁦The Lancet on ⁦The Global Commission on Drug Policy’s new report on “HIV, Hepatitis and Drug Policy Reform.”

Read the full article.


Far-right populists on the rise in Europe

Far-right populists are on the march in Europe, the Dutch election being the latest sign of this. Such parties have polled well in Italy, Sweden, France, Spain, Austria, and Germany in recent years. Then there’s Argentina and the recent Brazil/USA lessons. Worrying. Check out this The Guardian article for more on this subject.

Self-described “anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei becomes Argentina’s new President

There was a clear win for populist and self-described “anarcho-capitalist” Milei over Peronist candidate Massa in Argentina’s presidential election. Milei plans to dollarise the economy and slash public spending. He is anti-abortion and a climate change sceptic. CNN has more.


Why Australia should join EITI

There is good reason for Australia to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative as an implementing country and play an increased role in supporting non-corruption and transparency globally. Energy Transition and fast-rising demand for strategic minerals increases risks. Check out this X thread for more details.


Who are the new Cabinet ministers?

New New Zealand Government announced - a three-way coalition. See full ministerial list in the New Zealand Herald report.

Congestion charging is being considered in Auckland

RNZ reports on Auckland Council looking at implementing a traffic congestion charge in the next two years. See ⁦Helen Clark Foundation report on how to make such charges fair to all.

Hard ball politics

Charming people: “Brethren book: 'We prayed Helen Clark would fall out of a plane.” See New Zealand Herald report of the flight incident which members of a small cult had hoped might lead to my death.

Potential environmental impact of invasive Caulerpa seaweed

Caulerpa seaweed is threatening New Zealand’s marine ecosystem. ⁦Professor Barry Scott of Massey University warns that it is the “most invasive species to impact on our natural environment” and could affect species like scallops, mussels, cockles and fish in shallow inshore waters. New Zealand Herald has more.

The latest from the Helen Clark Foundation

Report: A Shared Future

The Helen Clark Foundation has just released a report focusing on community engagement in climate adaptation. “With climate change reshaping our lives, culture, and public health in profound ways, this issue has never been more urgent.”

Read the report

Reconnecting Aotearoa. Loneliness and connection in the age of social distance

“Loneliness is a major public health challenge that must be addressed.” Great to see Kathy Errington and Holly Walker's new book Reconnecting Aotearoa, based on The Helen Clark’s Foundation’s research, continuing to receive positive media coverage, with contributor Susan Strongman featured on @RNZ's The Detail.

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