Peace Symposium - A dialogue on "Challenges to Peace in Turbulent Times"

On 4 October, Professor Kevin P. Clements and I will be discussing strategies for fostering a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. Further details and registration information can be found below:

The world is experiencing unprecedented economic, social and political turbulence. In addition to the existential threat from climate change; global inequality is expanding and many nations are suffering from deep division and toxic polarisation. The United Nations and other multilateral institutions are struggling and peace remains elusive in the Ukraine, the Middle East, the Taiwan Straits and in many parts of Africa. New Zealand is not immune from these challenges. Leading figures, Helen Clark and Kevin Clements offer their perspectives on ways in which we can help generate a more just, peaceful and sustainable world. This event is hosted by INGRID LEARY, MP.


Co-organised by: SGI-New Zealand, Toda Peace Institute, NZ Centre for Global Studies, NZ Institute of International Affairs Wellington Branch, United Nations Association of New Zealand, Wellington Interfaith Council.

Logos of Toda Peace Institute, SGI, NZIIA, UNA NZ
Kasia Skibinska