Helen Clark's Diary, January

Jacinda Ardern resigns as Prime Minister of New Zealand

19 January 2023

I was very sad to learn when I woke up in Europe this morning that our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is stepping down. Her legacy is very significant, and my overwhelming feeling is one of both sadness and gratitude for all she has done for our country. See my statement below.

You can also listen to BBC World Service’s The Real Story, on challenges for women in politics with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Prof Rosie Camp and me: interviewed in context of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation and debate about misogyny, trolling and violent rhetoric targeting women.

Chris Hipkins is incoming New Zealand Prime Minister

23 Janaury 2023

See my interview on the TVNZ Breakfast Programme on incoming New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and his strong focus on the bread and butter issues facing New Zealanders right now. That’s vital given the global inflationary pressures affecting New Zealand households. Our government is navigating through the impacts of the multiple crises from which our world is reeling. Link here. I wish Chris well in his leadership role. He is highly intelligent, competent, experienced, energetic, hard working, unflappable, dedicated to serving New Zealand, and well qualified for the job.

DAVOS - WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, 16 - 20 January 2023

World Economic Forum 2023: Economics of Women’s Health

I was invited to chair a panel in Davos on the importance of investing in women’s health organised by the Women's Health Initiative of the World Economic Forum. If you missed the livestream, you can access a recording of the meeting below.

100 Days to Outrace the Next Pandemic

How do we maintain political attention to pandemic preparedness and response? “COVID19 is not over and still requires a continuing level of focus. We need to make lasting changes so that the world can cope with a future outbreak.”

I took part in a discussion on this at Davos with Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovations (CEPI), Chief Executive Richard Hatchett, Albert Bourla, Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer, Inc., Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Founder of Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, and Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Trade of Mozambique.

Rethinking policy for a new era of poverty

As we are in the midst of a polycrisis, poverty levels are rising. What’s at risk if governments fail to act on poverty and inequality? I took part on a panel on these challenging issues at Davos. View a recording of the session organised by ODI, a global affairs think tank.

Launch of the Edelman Trust Barometer Report

Edelman’s research suggests that there is “a lack of faith in societal institutions triggered by economic anxiety, disinformation, mass-class divide and a failure of leadership has brought us to where we are today – deeply and dangerously polarized.” Richard Edelman says the causes of polarisation are low trust in government, systemic inequality, and torn social fabric.

The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer is the firm’s 23rd annual trust and credibility survey. It sampled 32,000 respondents from 28 countries. I took part in a discussion at Davos around the findings.

Music as therapy - in conversation with opera singer Renée Fleming

Watch my conversation at Davos with Renée Fleming, 2023 Crystal Awardee as she talks about her work at the intersection of art, neuroscience, and health, and the powerful impact of music and the arts on childhood development, healthy ageing, and mental health.


Youth well being and mental health

I was pleased to address the Learning Planet Festival during their online session on youth well being and mental health.

“There are 1.8 billion adolescents and youth in our world today. It matters to all of us that this large generation is able to thrive. For that to happen, the needs of adolescents and youth have to be prioritised, and their leadership, voices, and experiences must be acknowledged and included.” Follow this link to read the address and view the event.


Some staffing news from us

Long serving Executive Director Kathy Errington will be leaving in February, returning to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Deputy Director Kali Mercier and the soon to be announced Executive Director will be a formidable team, so stay tuned!