WEBINAR: Q & A with Helen Clark on global issues

I’ll be briefing an upcoming members’ webinar for The Helen Clark Foundation on 23 February from 12 noon to 1 pm NZ

My focus will be on global issues on which I’m focused - from the reform agenda for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), my work chairing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative - including on the energy transition, and my work chairing the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health - we have a major campaign running on adolescent health and well-being this year. 

I will also comment on the state of the war in Ukraine. 24 February marks the first anniversary of this tragic conflict which is causing so much loss of life, injury, forced displacement, and destruction of communities. 

The second anniversary of the military coup d’état in Myanmar just passed on 1 February. A brutal junta continues to rule there, and I remain focused on how the international community might play a role to bring back constitutional government there. 

Join up to the Foundation and join in the webinar! Details below ⬇️.