Outcome of USA Election

The day after the USA election, I wrote an op ed for the New Zealand Herald on what I considered would be the outcome. Watching the trends, it seemed clear that Joe Biden would win. As John King of CNN kept saying, "count the votes". When the votes were counted, Joe Biden's boat had come in. On 7 November when Pennsylvania was called for Joe Biden, the President-elect spoke in Wilmington, Delaware, saying “This is the time to heal in America.” Healing skills will be at a premium as the new President works to govern for all and unify the nation. He called for demonisation to end here & now & for people to put away harsh rhetoric. He said that when he thinks of one word to describe the USA, he thinks of possibilities. This is now a time of new possibilities for the USA and for our world to come together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the many other shared challenges. Let's not let that possibility pass us all by. And let’s also note the significance of the election of Senator Kamala Harris as Vice President. She will be the first woman and first person of Asian and Caribbean descent to hold that high office.

Biden 8 Nov 20 Wilmington De.JPG